Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day . . . Or Singles Awareness Day, whichever fits you better.  To celebrate today, I've picked out five of my favorite, happy, romantic stand-alone books (best read with chocolate).  Really, there are too many cute books out there, so I've chosen books whose main focus is romance---meaning when you tell the book to your friends, it's the romance you mention first and any other adventures, plot points, etc. second. I'll be honest, this does eliminate a lot of the books that I read, but there's still plenty to choose from.  I decided on stand-alones, partly to cut down my options, but partly so you could actually get to the mushy, romantic stuff faster.  And then there's the happy part.  I'm really not into death and tears at the end of the book, so if that's what you're looking for, I refer you to Mr. Nicholas Sparks (who I refuse to read because of aforementioned sad endings).  If you want a book with a happy ending, however, look no further, and enjoy.

I hope, whether single or in a relationship, you have an amazing day.

1. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

2: Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson

3. The Distance Between Us by Kacie West

4. Just Ella by Annette K. Larsen

5. It's a Mall World After All by Janette Rallison

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